Jim & Diana Norris got married here in Texas and I was the photographer and videographer for their wedding. This was my first time trying to do video at a wedding.
This past year I spent some time on the sidelines working for Baylor University. I wanted to create a Start Up company called 'The Warehouse'. This is our first video for the Baylor Football Season 2016-2017.
This last spring I was shooting photos and video for Baylor during my job. During the one of the regular season games I decided to create a hype video with footage from the previous game vs Iowa State. It was going to be the biggest match up of the year for the Bears!
During my Marketing class at Baylor we created a Promotional video for the local Wakeboard Cable Park 'BSR'. Our job was to create some form of advertisement for the campaign. We created a video advertisement for the campaign. In the video we actually are the ones riding and wake boarding for our ad which was way fun to show off our video talent as well as talent on the water!
I went with a church group to Thailand my sophomore year in college. I had recently had bought a Go Pro and shot this video of all of our time in Chang Mai, Thailand. I wanted to get a full encompassing look at the whole trip as a whole.
This video shows the highlights of the sights and scenes of the trip!